Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Two Exciting Opportunities--My Record: 1-1

I wanted to give you all a brief update on the two exciting opportunities I wrote about two weeks ago, one involving a string quartet from Arizona interested in my piece P.S.Q. and the other involving starting a choir at my church.

Unfortunately, the leadership of the church wasn't interested in the choir concept I'd come up with and didn't think it fit with their vision and direction, so there went that idea. However, I've had much better success with Quartet Sabaku. My contact in the group told me that they read through the first movement (based on Maroon 5's song "Harder To Breathe") and loved it, but they were really busy and were hoping to finalize next season's repertoire in a few months. So that was a great start, if nothing concrete. But I got another email from her on Monday and she informed me that they were going to be using my piece for an educational workshop on April 17th. I'm not sure exactly what the workshop is about, but that was rather exciting in and of itself--and seems to up the chances of landing the piece in their next performing season. I'll keep you posted on further developments!

Two Exciting Opportunities--My Record: 1-1Share/Save/Bookmark

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