Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm Back!

Greetings, loyal readers--I have returned! My lovely wife (woohoo!) and I got back from an amazing honeymoon at the Doubletree Resort in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, on Sunday; we had Monday and Tuesday off of work and were able to open our wedding gifts and cards, buy a few gifts we hadn't received and generally settle in to our new apartment in Costa Mesa (sounds similar, but is actually quite different). I have yet to import and organize all the pictures we took, but once I do I'll let you know, for anyone who's interested in seeing them.

Not much to post on at this point. My wife and I signed up on Monday for Netflix, an online movie rental service, so you can expect to start seeing a few more score reviews here at TLB. They may end up as brief 140-character reviews on Twitter, too, though, so be sure you're following me there as well. Our first rental, since I was reading Shakespeare's play Hamlet on our honeymoon, is Laurence Olivier's Hamlet from 1948. The score is by William Walton, an English composer who wrote a really cool oratorio I sang at Cal State Fullerton entitled Belshazzar's Feast. I've seen this film version of Hamlet once before, but I don't remember much about the score. Stay tuned to Twitter later tonight....

I feel as if I'm in danger of making TLB into a Coldplay fan site, since I post about them so frequently; but at the risk of seeming so, I have one more note to make before I sign off for now (although I still do want to do a week's worth of posts on Prospekt's March sometime soon as well). It appears that Coldplay has posted a complete discography on their website, including 60-second audio clips of every song and (most exciting for me) band-approved lyrics. If you're interested, you can check it out here.

Farewell for tonight--it's good to be back; look for some new posts coming up soon!

I'm Back!Share/Save/Bookmark


Anonymous said...

Hey! Congratulations!!

Raelynn Ann said...

I'd have to say, I'm generally disappointed the the worlds most unwanted song being mostly sound samples and not an actual coherent piece that would be unwanted. Really, it would be unwanted because it's taking a several genres and putting one after the other... so really, if you dislike just one of those genres you would discount the whole piece, even if you like the other 90% of the music. It could be that I'm married to a man who generally likes music that might be considered "unwanted" by much of the rest of the population, the "The Most Unwanted Song" is a bit of a let down.